SAP Quality Management – SAP S/4HANA QM TCodes

SAP S/4HANA Quality Management (QM) is an integrated module within the SAP S/4HANA ERP system to help you manage the quality management processes from planning to control. Along with comprehensive quality management, the module offers functionalities for planning, inspection, and compliance checks, ensuring products meet quality standards and boosting customer satisfaction.

Full List of SAP S/4HANA QM TCodes

Our comprehensive list of SAP S/4HANA QM Transaction Codes (TCodes) helps professionals efficiently manage and execute quality control measures, ensuring high standards across services and products.

Transaction Codes Descriptions What it does
CA70 PRT Where-Used Lists Generates a report detailing where Production Resources/Tools (PRT) are utilized across various task lists. 
CC04 Display Product Structure This transaction displays a structured overview of a product, allowing navigation through the product’s components and attributes.
CF01 Create Production Resource/Tool Enables the creation of a new Production Resource/Tool (PRT) either from scratch or by copying an existing one
CF25 PRT: Usage of PRT Master in PM Order Allows for the creation and management of PRT use within Plant Maintenance orders.
CJ00 Digital Signature – Find Provides a search function for digital signatures.
CT01 Create Characteristics Facilitates the creation of new characteristics for objects within the system
CT04 Characteristics This transaction is used for managing characteristics in the SAP system.
CWB QM QM – Engineering Workbench Creates inspection plan for new task list and maintenance package. 
DSAL Digital Signature – Logs Used to access and analyze logs of digital signatures.
IP10 Schedule Maintenance Plan Schedules maintenance plans and generates corresponding maintenance call objects.
IP14 Where-Used List by Strategy Generates lists showing where certain maintenance strategies are applied within maintenance plans.
IP16 Display Maintenance Plan Displays detailed views of maintenance plans, showing all associated data such as plan number, descriptions, and schedules.
IP19 Maintenance Scheduling Overview Offers a graphical overview of maintenance schedules for visualization and planning of maintenance tasks.
IP24 Scheduling Overview List Form Provides a listing format for maintenance schedules, detailing various aspects like item numbers, plan details, and scheduled dates for maintenance calls.
IQS8 Worklist: Notifications (General) Manages general notifications for users, allowing filtering and processing based on various criteria.
IQS9 Worklist: Tasks (General) Similar to IQS8, this code is used for managing tasks rather than notifications, providing tools to filter and process task-related data.
IQS12 Process Task Offers functionalities to manage and process specific tasks within notifications.
IQS21 Create Notification – Simplified View Allows creation of notifications in a simplified format, streamlining the notification management process in SAP.
KKF2 Change CO Production Order Used to modify production orders within the Controlling module.
MB1A Goods Withdrawal Handles the withdrawal of goods from inventory, reflecting changes in stock levels and updating related records.
MB5M Shelf Life List Generates reports on products’ shelf lives, highlighting items that are near or beyond their expiration dates to manage inventory effectively.
MCXA QMIS – Material Analysis (Lot Overview) Provides a comprehensive analysis of material lots, offering data on quality, usage, and status to aid in material management.
MCXV QMIS – Material Analysis Overview Quality Notification Provides an overview analysis of quality notifications across materials, displaying various data.
OQ62 Number Ranges for Inspection Plans Manages number ranges for inspection plans, ensuring unique identification for each plan within the system.
OQ63 Number Ranges for Reference Operation Sets Similar to OQ62, this T-Code is used to define number ranges for reference operation sets, which are crucial for task list management in SAP.
PLM_AUDITMONITOR Start Audit Monitor Initiates the audit monitoring process, allowing users to oversee and analyze audit activities and related data.
PLMD_AUDIT Audit Management Provides comprehensive tools for managing audits, including scheduling, tracking, and documenting all audit-related activities.
Q000 Quality Management Opens the Quality Management module, providing access to various QM functionalities and settings within SAP.
QA00 Quality Inspection Leads to the Quality Inspection section, where users can manage and execute quality inspections based on predefined criteria.
QA01 Create Inspection Lot Allows for the creation of new inspection lots, facilitating the organization and tracking of quality inspections.
QA02 Change Inspection Lot Used to make changes to existing inspection lots, such as updating lot details or modifying inspection parameters.
QA03 Display Inspection Lot Provides a display interface for reviewing details of specific inspection lots.
QA05 Job Planning: Periodic Inspection Schedules and plans periodic inspections, ensuring that inspections are conducted at regular intervals as required.
QA06 Job Overview: Periodic Inspection Offers a summary view of all scheduled periodic inspections.
QA07 Trigger for Recurring Inspection Sets off recurring inspections for materials or equipment that require regular quality checks, automating the inspection process.
QA08 Collective Processing of Inspection Setup Facilitates batch processing for setting up inspections.
QA11 Record Usage Decision Enables recording of usage decisions for inspection lots, crucial for finalizing the quality status of inspected items.
QA12 Change Usage Decision with History Allows modifications to previously recorded usage decisions.
QA32 Change Data for Inspection Lot Provides functionalities to alter inspection lot data post-creation, necessary for updates or corrections.
QA33 Display Data for Inspection Lot Displays comprehensive data for a specific inspection lot, useful for detailed reviews and assessments.
QA51 Scheduling Source Inspections Manages the scheduling of source inspections, which are inspections conducted at the vendor or initial production stage.
QAC1 Change Insp. Lot Actual Quantity Adjusts the actual quantity details for an inspection lot.
QAC2 Transfer Stock to Insp. Lot Moves stock items to inspection lots for quality checks.
QAC3 Reset Sample Allows resetting of sampling procedures for inspection lots to a previous state.
QC32 Archive Display – Inspection Lot Accesses archived inspection lot information, providing historical data for reference or review.
QC55 QM Worklist – Quality Certificates in Procurement Manages quality certificates within procurement processes, ensuring compliance and quality standards are met for purchased goods.
QCC0 QM – Direct Access to IMG Directly accesses the Implementation Guide (IMG) for setting up Quality Management configurations in SAP.
QCC1 Direct Access to IMG – Notification Provides direct access specifically for configuring notification settings in QM.
QCC2 IMG Direct Access: QM Q – Notification Focuses on IMG configurations for quality notifications.
QCC3 IMG Direct Access: QM Q – Inspection Provides IMG access for setting up quality inspections, crucial for defining inspection procedures and standards.
QCC4 IMG Direct Access: QM Q – Planning Targets IMG settings for quality planning.
QCC5 IMG Direct Selection – QM Business Add-In Enables direct access to Business Add-Ins related to Quality Management.
QDP1 Create Sampling Scheme Designs new sampling schemes for quality inspections.
QDV1 Create Sampling Procedure Establishes procedures for sampling within inspections.
QDV6 Uses – Sampling Procedures Displays usage data for sampling procedures, showing where and how these are applied across the system.
QE00 Quality Planning Opens the Quality Planning module, providing tools for planning and organizing quality-related activities.
QE01 Record Characteristics Results Allows recording of results from characteristic tests conducted during inspections.
QE02 Change Characteristics Results Enables changes to previously recorded results for inspection characteristics.
QE03 Display Characteristics Results Shows the results of characteristic tests, providing a clear view of outcome data from quality inspections.
QF01 Record Defect Data Records details of defects found during inspections, crucial for quality tracking and corrective action planning.
QF11 Record Defects for Inspection Lot Allows recording of defects specifically for an inspection lot.
QF21 Record Defects for Operation Enables defect recording at the operation level within a manufacturing process.
QF31 Record Defects for Characteristic Facilitates the recording of defects related to specific characteristics or attributes of a product or component.
QGA1 Display Quality Score Time Line Visualizes changes in quality scores over time for inspection lots.
QGA3 Print Inspection Results Allows printing of detailed inspection results.
QGA4 General QM Evaluations Supports broad evaluations of quality management data.
QGC1 Quality Control Charts for Inspection Lots Generates quality control charts based on inspection lot data.
QGD1 Test Equipment Usage List Lists how test equipment is utilized across the system.
QGD2 Test Equipment Tracking Tracks the deployment and usage status of test equipment.
QGP1 Results History for Task List Characteristics Archives results for task list characteristics.
QGP2 Results History for Task List Charac Tracks historical results for task list characteristics to ensure consistent quality control.
QI06 QM Releases – Mass Maintenance Manages mass maintenance operations for quality management releases.
QI07 Worklist for Source Inspections Organizes and displays a worklist for planning and executing source inspections.
QK01 Assign QM Order to Material Assigns quality management orders to materials. Links quality tasks directly with specific material batches or units.
QK02 Display Assigned QM Orders Shows all quality management orders assigned to materials.
QK04 Create QM Order Initiates a new quality management order.
QM_FMEA Cockpit Centralizes processing for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA).
QM01 Create Quality Notification Generates new quality notifications for managing quality issues.
QM10 Change List of Quality Notifications Modifies existing lists of quality notifications.
QM11 Display List of Qualification Notifications Displays detailed lists of qualification notifications.
QM12 Change List of Tasks Allows editing of tasks listed in quality notifications.
QM13 Display List of Tasks Provides a comprehensive view of all tasks associated with quality notifications.
QM14 Change List of Items Enables modifications to items within quality notifications.
QM16 Change Activity List Supports updates to the list of activities detailed in quality notifications, aiding in the precise management of action items.
QM19 List of Q Notifications, Multilevel Generates a multilevel view of quality notifications, offering detailed insights into the interconnected aspects of notifications.
QM50 Time Line Display Q Notifications Projects a timeline of quality notifications, visualizing the sequence and duration of quality events and actions.
QP01 Create Inspection Plan Develops new inspection plans, providing structured approaches to quality inspections and related activities.
QP05 Print Inspection Plan Outputs inspection plans to physical media for easy access and distribution of plan documents.
QP06 Missing or Unusable Task Lists Identifies and lists task lists that are missing or not usable.
QP48 Number Range for Physical Samples Sets number ranges for physical samples.
QP49 Number Range for Physical Sample Drawing Configures number ranges for drawings of physical samples.
QP60 Display Task List Changes Shows changes made to task lists, providing a transparent history of modifications for quality management and compliance.
QPCP Control Plan Creates and manages control plans for quality operations.
QPNQ Number Ranges for Inspection Plans Manages number configurations for inspection plans, ensuring each plan is uniquely identifiable within the system.
QPR1 Create Physical Sample Initiates creating physical samples for testing.
QPR4 Confirm Physical Sample Drawing Confirms and finalizes drawings of physical samples.
QPR5 Manual Inspection Lots for Physical Samples Manages inspection lots for physical samples manually.
QPR6 Create New Physical Sample Drawing w. Ref Generates new drawings for physical samples with references.
QPR7 Storage Data Maintenance Maintains storage data for physical samples.
QPV2 Maintain Sample Drawing Procedure Updates and manages procedures for drawing physical samples.
QS21 Create Master Inspection Characteristic Establishes new master inspection characteristics, key elements in defining inspection standards and protocols.
QS22 Create Master Inspection Characteristic Version Creates new versions of existing master inspection characteristics.
QS26 Display Characteristic Use Shows how specific inspection characteristics are utilized within the system.
QS28 Display Inspection Characteristic List Allows users to review various characteristics across inspections.
QS29 Maintain Characteristic Number Range Manages the number range for inspection characteristics.
QS31 Create Inspection Method Allows creation of new inspection methods, which define how inspections should be carried out in terms of procedures and criteria.
QS32 Create Inspection Method Version Creates a new version of an existing inspection method to update or refine inspection procedures as necessary.
QS37 Central Replacement of Methods Provides a central location to replace outdated or obsolete inspection methods with updated versions across the system.
QS38 Display Inspection Method List Offers a view of all inspection methods available within the system.
QS39 Maintain Method Number Range Manages the numbering system for inspection methods to maintain order and uniqueness.
QS41 Maintain Catalog Allows users to maintain and update catalogs which are collections of standardized descriptions used across the system.
QS47 Central Replacement of Code Groups Enables the centralized updating or replacement of code groups within catalogs to streamline updates and ensure consistency.
QS48 Usage Indicator – Code Groups Checks and adjusts the usage indicators for code groups, which help signal whether a code group is actively used in processes.
QS51 Edit Selected Sets Provides functionalities to edit selected sets, which are predefined groups of settings used for specific tasks or conditions.
QS53 Maintain Individual Selected Set Allows detailed maintenance of individual selected sets for precise configuration.
QS58 Usage Indicator – Selected Sets Manages usage indicators for selected sets to track their use and ensure that only relevant sets are active.
QS61 Maintain Material Specification Facilitates the maintenance and updating of material specifications, which define the quality and standards for materials used.
QST01 Create Stability Study Initiates a new stability study, which is an assessment typically used in quality control to ensure product consistency over time.
QST03 Stability History Provides a historical view of stability studies.
QST04 Packages in Inspection Plans Lists all inspection plans that include predefined packages or sets of tasks.
QST06 Scheduling Overview List Generates a detailed list of schedules for stability studies or other timed quality assessments.
QST07 List of Testing Schedule Items – Change Data Shows and allows modifications to the testing schedule items used in stability studies.
QST09 Maintain Planning Building Block Manages the foundational elements used in planning stability studies and other structured quality tasks.
QV01 Create Quality Assurance Agreement Establishes a new quality assurance agreement, setting formal criteria and standards for quality assurance between parties.
QV04 Find Quality Assurance Agreement Searches for and displays existing quality assurance agreements.
QV11 Create Technical Delivery Terms Sets up new technical delivery terms in the document management system.
QV51 Create Control for QM in SD Integrates quality management controls into the Sales and Distribution (SD) module.
QZ00 Quality Certificates Manages and issues quality certificates, which are formal attestations of a product’s adherence to specified quality standards.
SAP1 SAP Easy Access Report Selection Provides a user-friendly interface to select and run reports from various modules within SAP.
SBWP SAP Business Workplace Acts as a centralized workspace where users can manage their assigned tasks, documents, and communications within SAP.

Check out our comprehensive lists of various SAP S/4HANA TCodes:

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Sazid Raihan

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